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A warm welcome to SSGL Medical, a CQC-Regulated Independent Ambulance Service. We provide carbon-neutral
Medical Services, Patient Transport Services (PTS), Secure Patient Transport and Secure Care across Yorkshire & the UK.
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SSGL Medical Medical Transport including blood and organs

SSGL Medical Medical Transport including blood and organs
We're Award-winning!
"Most Innovative Independent Ambulance Service - Yorkshire"
2021, 2022, & 2023
We're Good At What We Do
Read our impressive CQC report here

Careers at Secure Solutions Group
Based in or near Barnsley? If you are an outgoing, caring, and professional people-person, who wants to make a difference to the community, we want to hear from you now. Details and application on the links below.
Looking for Ambulance Care Assistant vacancies for our Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services? If we are recruiting, these roles will appear on our Indeed page below. Or send in your CV for future consideration, and we will contact you when these positions arise.
On NHS Jobs, sarch for 'Secure' in 'Barnsley'
Our Top 3 Visions and Values
Brief History
1. Innovation
Leading by example and breaking the status quo. If there's a problem, it can be solved through creating innovative solutions and thinking outside the box. Where it makes sense, we innovate rather than just follow or copy the norm.
2. Raising Standards
An independent ambulance service born from a genuine desire to raise standards within patient transport solutions. We can all always strive to raise standards.
3. Empowering People
From our service users to our staff, supporting and empowering individuals and involving them in what we do, makes a difference in outcomes.
"Do… or do not. There is no try." - Yoda
Secure Solutions Group Limited (SSGL) was established in 2012 as a partnership, before growing into a limited company in 2017. The service is run by two directors, Joseph (CQC Registered Manager) with a background within the NHS including the ambulance service, and Edward (CQC Nominated Individual) with a background in the emergency services, psychology, management and international business. Both are qualified practising clinicians.
We initially started by providing healthcare staff as an agency, closely followed by manned response cars for NHS Bloods and Transplant, and medical cover for national events. In 2020 when the pandemic hit, we saw a huge rise in the need for Patient Transport Services (PTS) for COVID patients, and for mental health-specific PTS, so we stepped up and became a registered independent ambulance service to deliver these services ourselves. And so, SSGL Medical was born, along with more services.
SSGL Medical developed from the idea of innovation and a desire to raise the standards within patient transport solutions. When we look to innovate, we are ultimately looking to make changes in something established. Although this is somewhat a risk for a newer service like ours to do, we strongly believe in leading by example and delivering the results of our forward thinking.
We specialise in providing innovative, holistic secure patient transport with positive outcomes, and contracted patient transport services that deliver impressive KPIs that have a positive impact on the NHS Trusts we work with.